Saturday 9 July 2011

Leggings - The Rules

I am a wearer of leggings. They are comfortable and good with a dress or skirt that may be a little too short to wear if not for leggings.  However, I continually see people of all shapes and sizes wearing them incorrectly, so here are a few rules I think all those considering wearing leggings should be made aware of:

  1. Leggings are not, I repeat NOT a replacement for trousers. The material is too thin to show one's behind in a pair of leggings. This cannot even be excused by the slimmest of people with the best figures. You would not wear a pair of tights with only a T-Shirt, so why wear leggings with just a top?
  2. Do not mistake a pair of leggings for something that can make you look taller or thinner. They aren't magic, they're just leggings!
  3. The ideal length for a pair of leggings should be mid calf or below. Anything above that will definitely do the opposite of making you look taller or thinner. Remember the awful cycling shorts under skirt look in the 90s? Need I say more? If you don't remember it, just look up some videos on Youtube by C&C Music Factory or someone of that ilk. Enough said.
 These are the rules I go by anyway. Rule no. 1 is the most important and the least adhered to. I'd love to post them in the changing rooms of many a high street store, but I'm not planning on world domination just yet!


  1. Yes, yes, yes! People, leggings ARE NOT PANTS! (but can look fab under skirts etc.). Same goes for those awful 'jeggings' (denim-look leggings). So wrong....

  2. omg u are so right ... a female who i used to work with neeeeeds to read this...
