Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Jovember - my November project

I recently moved house & had to downsize on wardrobe space and it made me realise I kept far too many clothes & shoes for 'best' and haven't got much wear out of them. So I've decided that in November I am going to spend 30 days wearing different clothes & shoes, all from my own wardrobe but never wear the same thing again in that 30 day period. I also must not buy anything new. Of course I don't need anything new as I have at least 40 pairs of shoes, and amongst them at least 12 pairs of ballet flats! In terms of clothes, I'm ashamed to say I still have items in my wardrobe that have the tags on them, although they have been purchased in 2011 at least. I also feel I've neglected my blog recently, so thought this was a good plan to get me blogging every day, with photos for each day being posted on the blog.

I'm not what you would describe as a 'fashionista', as I'm not someone with an obviously quirky sense of style, but that doesn't mean I don't love fashion. I've also lost some weight in the last year which has contributed to me buying some new things (some un-worn as yet), and I've gained a bit more confidence in how I look. I know I can be lazy and wear plain & boring things sometimes; my staples seem to be a top & jeans with ballet pumps or jersey dress & leggings - all while other lovely clothes sit hanging in the wardrobe waiting to be worn. This is why I think I should do this project for no obvious purpose, but to just let my clothes live! In some way I would like to raise some money for charity, as I have done recently by selling old clothes on eBay. Aside from selling clothes for charity at the end of the project I'm at a loss as how to do this, as I don't really want to sell my nicest clothes off just yet!

Some rules have now been set as these need to be stated before the project begins:
1. Different clothing and footwear must be worn each day between the 1st & 30th November 2011 inclusive.
2. By clothing I mean top, dress, trousers, cardigan, so this does not include leggings, socks, coats or undergarments. I certainly don't own that many coats! 3. Clothing & shoes worn for gym visits & playing squash / badminton will be exempt from the project. As much as I plan to go to the gym more in November, am not sure if this rule is that relevant! This also applies to outdoor shoes in bad weather on a work day. I walk over a mile a day between my place of work & the train station and don't really fancy potentially ruining a nice pair of shoes in bad weather just because of this project.
4. Handbags should not be used more than 4 times over the course of the project, although gym bag is exempt.
5. If separate evening outfits are required over the course of the month on occasion, these must also be something not worn at any other time in the 30 days.
6. No new clothing, shoe or handbag purchases can be made in November. eBay purchases may be allowed, but will face that issue if it happens.
7. New rules can be created as time goes on when situations arise - this is meant to be a fun project after all!

Suggestions for how I can raise money for charity would be welcome - as long as they are reasonable! I will also probably think of more rules before I start, but the general rule is not to wear the same thing twice in 30 days. To keep with the fact I love music as well as fashion I'm going to set a song or album of the day. With all this blogging, I wonder if I'll actually have time to do anything else!